Data for "Monitoring mitochondrial calcium in cardiomyocytes during coverslip hypoxia using a fluorescent lifetime indicator"
An increase in mitochondrial calcium via the mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) has been implicated in initiating cell death in the heart during ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. Measurement of calcium during I/R has been challenging due to the pH sensitivity of indicators coupled with the fall in pH during I/R. The development of a pH-insensitive indicator, mitochondrial localized Turquoise Calcium Fluorescence Lifetime Sensor (mito-TqFLITS), allows for quantifying mitochondrial calcium during I/R via fluorescent lifetime imaging. Mitochondrial calcium was monitored using mito-TqFLITS, in neonatal mouse ventricular myocytes (NMVM) isolated from germline MCU-KO mice and MCUfl/fl treated with CRE-recombinase to acutely knockout MCU. To simulate ischemia, a coverslip was placed on a monolayer of NMVMs to prevent access to oxygen and nutrients. Reperfusion was induced by removing the coverslip. Mitochondrial calcium increases threefold during coverslip hypoxia in MCU-WT. There is a significant increase in mitochondrial calcium during in germline MCU-KO, but it is significantly lower than in MCU-WT. We also found that compared to WT, acute MCU-KO resulted in no difference in mitochondrial calcium during coverslip hypoxia and reoxygenation. To determine the role of mitochondrial calcium uptake via MCU in initiating cell death, we used propidium iodide to measure cell death. We found a significant increase in cell death in both the germline MCU-KO and acute MCU-KO, but this was similar to their respective WTs. These data demonstrate the utility of mito-TqFLITS to monitor mitochondrial calcium during simulated I/R and further show that germline loss of MCU attenuates the rise in mitochondrial calcium during ischemia but does not reduce cell death.
Mechanisms of cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury and cardioprotection
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
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